EASITRAK is a web based Vehicle Tracking System. Designed to be easy to use and easy to afford, it will allow you to see where your vehicles are every minute of every day in realtime. This means you can quickly and easily find your nearest vehicle to a customer or perhaps your office or depot. Ensuring you are using the best placed vehicle to a delivery, pick up or job will result in fuel savings and a more efficient use of your vehicles. You can see where your vehicles are now, where they have been today or look back over the past month. Our suite of reports will also give you information about vehicle usage including journeys made and mileage driven.
Using the latest in GPS technology the tracking devices we provide are made in Europe and have proven to be extremely reliable and accurate. There are currently over 100,000 units in the field with a failure rate of less than 0.2% this means that we can fit your vehicle with confidence that it will always give you an accurate location. The software is simple to use and is ideal for the smaller fleet or first time user. We have various payment options to suit most budgets and welcome a call from you to discuss your exact requirements.
Maps are scalable offering various levels of detail, showing the user exactly what they need to see. Simple to use real time control, automatically updates by time, distance and direction changes.
The history feature shows where vehicles have been using a "snail trail", displaying times of any starts, stops, length of stops and any Watchboxes departed.
Create Watchbox areas quickly and easily to alert you when a vehicle enters or leaves a zone. With a couple of clicks you can create, edit, arm and disarm vehicle alerts.
Alternative to conventional maps using aerial views, used to 'follow' vehicles and pinpoint landmarks for directing drivers